
02 May 2008

Tweak Ram 6.2

Tweak RAM 6.2 is a program that helps you to free your Memory usage, enable your computer to runs faster. Sometimes other applications couldn't stop its operation and end its Memory usage in your computer, failure to close will result in high memory usage unless you restart your computer.

This software has few other functions, this surprises me though because I thought it suppose to just work as cleaning up unused memories.

As you can see in the picture, this TweakRAM 6.2 can work as Eject CD, Clear Recent Documents, Clear Clipboard, Clear IE cache(Why no clean up FireFox Cache?), Windows Uptime and BIOS information.

Besides that you can change the Graph displayed in it, such as change to Pie display.

That's about it I guess because I find this good for me as it can help me free my memory usage, since FireFox uses a lot of memories.....

Now you have 16hours 40minutes to download....

UPDATE : 3hours 28 minutes left before the FREE version CLOSED!

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